
Best Practices In Search Engine Optimization

The growing importance of Search Engine Optimization is on full speed for companies in virtually every industry. SEO is a strategic way to drive traffic to your website via the web, such as Google’s search engine.

Tue Oct 29th 2013
John Sternal
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A Branding Refresher For Marketers

Consumer needs and wants are one of the leading factors that drive the world of marketing as we know today, particularly since needs and wants generate demand. Branding, as according to the business dictionary, is “the process involved in creating a unique name and image

Mon Oct 14th 2013
John Sternal
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How Is The CMO Role Adapting To Change?

A question to all the CMOs reading this blog post: How is your role different today than it was five, ten or fifteen years ago? Sure, creative, messaging and reporting are critical elements of the job, but there’s a good chance

Wed Jul 24th 2013
John Sternal
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How Colors Can Impact Your Brand

Consumers today are bombarded by a plethora of options when it comes to their buying needs; the alternatives in which to delegate their money can be overwhelming. But, why then do some consumers go straight to pick up one product over another

Thu Jun 20th 2013
John Sternal
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How Can A Press Interview Create Leads?

“Sure, it would be great to go on TV and do an interview, but how would that translate into sales?” This is a question we’re often asked in strategy sessions with clients. On the surface, national media appearances are great ways to elevate

Wed Jun 5th 2013
John Sternal
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How Yahoo And Tumblr Could Work

It has been reported by AllThingsD that Yahoo plans to buy blogging site Tumblr for approximately $1.1 billion. Social network and industry experts believe the deal represents a true opportunity for Yahoo to be “cool” again for the first time in years.

Mon May 20th 2013
John Sternal
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The Impact From Image Marketing

Content is king, but more emphasis should be placed on images when selecting and shaping content. The human brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than text. According to Laura Silverman, director of the Institute for the Study of Advanced Development

Fri May 17th 2013
John Sternal
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Email Marketing For Mobile Devices

The number of commercial emails opened on mobile devices is currently at 41% according to recent data from Knotice. Before the end of the year, this number is expected to surpass emails opened on PC/desktops. This fast-growing trend presents new challenges

Tue May 14th 2013
Sarah Gibson
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Video Marketing Offers Great Return On Content

When it comes to advertising and marketing today, it is clear that content is a key piece of any successful marketing strategy. But what types of content are generating the highest return on investment? Although featured articles

Sun May 12th 2013
Sarah Gibson
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How Can Success Stories Help Your Business?

Often times, it’s not enough to simply tell customers how you can help them. Rather, it’s important to show customers how you can benefit their business. This is strategically achieved through sharing a success story

Wed May 1st 2013
John Sternal
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Mobile Marketing Growth: Are You Ready?

Mobile Marketing has quickly become a leading strategy in the business world, as well as the campaigns associated with many of today’s largest brands. The mobile device has transcended from what was once used purely

Sun Apr 28th 2013
John Sternal
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Merit Mile’s New Presence In Atlanta

Since we opened our doors in 2007, Merit Mile has been delivering on the promise helping customers achieve new levels of growth in a fully-dedicated, accountable manner. Award-winning creative and a service-obsessed approach have been the two primary

Tue Feb 5th 2013
John Sternal
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Merit Mile Named Agency Of Record For

Merit Mile is proud to announce it has been named Public Relations Agency of Record for Cincinnati-based People view their cars today much like cell phones, with millions of drivers upgrading to different models after just a few years.

Fri Jan 18th 2013
John Sternal
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Effective Holiday Marketing Strategies For Your Business

Businesses both large and small, and in a variety of industries, wonder what the right holiday marketing strategy should be to capitalize on sales. Place more emphasis on Black Friday, Cyber Monday, or spread out a marketing budget throughout the course of the holiday

Wed Dec 19th 2012
John Sternal
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Merit Mile Marketing Advice On

The holidays can offer businesses both large and small numerous fits in terms of setting the right marketing strategy. The right time to plan any holiday marketing campaign is after the previous holiday season. However, what techniques are available to businesses

Wed Dec 19th 2012
John Sternal
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Content Is King…But Then What?

No doubt, B2B marketers have heard, uttered and preached the phrase, “Content Is King”, more than once over the last few years. And there is reason for that. According to B2B Magazine, a recent survey of 440 B2B professionals revealed

Fri Oct 12th 2012
John Sternal
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Your Brand Always Has An Opinion

Brands are always under the microscope. Like it or not, in this day and age of social media and 24/7 news coverage, everything a brand says is fair game for public record. Marketers, employees and those sitting in the C-suite should be very aware of this.

Mon Sep 10th 2012
John Sternal
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The Cloud To The Rescue

Many SMBs lack an adequate disaster recovery (DR) protection for their applications. Disaster recovery is deemed too expensive, complex and unreliable for any but the most mission-critical applications. Traditional disaster recovery solutions often require significant

Thu Aug 16th 2012
Sarah Gibson
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The Next Technology Tidal Wave

With the tablet market share forecasted to grow at 29% year-over-year between 2012 and 2018, it is clear that tablets will become the primary personal

Thu Jul 26th 2012
Sarah Gibson
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Merit Mile on South Florida Business Journal’s Top Ad Agencies List

In just its sixth year in business, Merit Mile is proud to be recognized as number 14 on the South Florida Business Journal’s list of the top advertising agencies.

Fri Jul 6th 2012
John Sternal
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