
The Thoughtful Brand: Harnessing the Power of Thought Leadership in Shaping Brand Perceptions

Thought leadership is a highly sought after strategy and part of the B2B marketing toolkit. But are companies and their leaders truly maximizing its power today? If not, what are the reasons they are coming up short?

Mon Apr 1st 2024
John Sternal
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2024 Channel and Partner Marketing Trends and Challenges

In our ongoing commitment to help channel, partner, and alliance marketing professionals understand the dynamic landscape of channel marketing, Merit Mile conducted a survey in January 2024 to delve into the trends, challenges, and opportunities shaping 2024 marketing strategies.

Fri Mar 1st 2024
Scott Lindars
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Creating a Communications Roadmap for Supply Chain Differentiation

In today’s business landscape, supply chains have become critical components of an overall business strategy, especially as the federal U.S government recently opened $5.6 billion in funding for projects to strengthen supply chains.

Fri Jul 7th 2023
Justin Baronoff
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Short-Form Video Production- A Must-Have Marketing Asset in 2023 and Beyond

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, short-form videos have emerged as a powerful marketing tool for businesses looking to promote their offerings and services. With the expanded use of social media and the increasing demand for quick yet engaging content, they have become an essential component of many successful marketing strategies here at Merit Mile.

Tue Jun 13th 2023
Mitch Curry
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Benefits of an Agile Transformation Office (ATO) for Business and Marketing Success

From the hopeful startup to the established enterprise, and amidst multiple bull and bear cycles, the Merit Mile team has seen just about everything over the last 15+ years. One thing in particular shines brightly in our analyses—the way marketing departments and organizations navigate turbulent times is a great indicator of sustained, long-term performance.

Mon May 1st 2023
Mark Reino
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Media Tours: Taking Your Message on the Road or Virtually in 2023

You may have been thinking about generating more publicity for your brand, product, or service. Most likely you know how valuable this can be in driving overall awareness and positioning you as a credible leader within your industry.

Mon Apr 17th 2023
John Sternal
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Why B2B Marketers Should Put Podcasts in their Marketing Plan

We all have our favorite podcasts and it’s not hard to see why. It’s an easy and engaging way for one to learn, explore, and stay current on everything from news and sports to entertainment and self-help. In fact, podcasting has reached the highest numbers ever this year, with 90 million Americans being weekly podcast listeners (Buzzsprout).

Mon Apr 10th 2023
Sarah Gibson
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Stretch your marketing budget in 2023: A proven formula for content marketing, lead generation, and awareness.

Let’s state the obvious. The job of a marketer in 2023 is tough. Chances are you are working with a conservative marketing budget, the size of your team may have been impacted, and the pressure is on to do more with less. Or, in many cases, you’re spreading and shifting your time and budget into new areas like AI-driven marketing.

Thu Mar 9th 2023
Scott Lindars
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Strategic Marketing in 2023: The Year of the Brand & Conversational AI

As we settle into the new year we are surrounded, if not overwhelmed, by the noise of a bleak economy. Is the forecast truly cloudy for brands and corporate marketers, and if so, where should the budget and energy focus be directed?

Tue Feb 14th 2023
Mark Reino
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Everything You Need to Know About the B2B Creative Brief

Consumer marketing often has mass appeal and offers a lot of flexibility in terms of risk-taking and conceptual development. Although B2B marketing can be construed as more regimented and less fun than consumer marketing, creative development in the B2B arena is, perhaps, an even more thoughtful and more highly targeted marketing and communications process.

Tue Feb 7th 2023
Saul Darville
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5 Articles to Simplify LinkedIn Advertising in 2023

LinkedIn has always been known as a platform that helps professionals network, share updates, and connect with peers. But there is another essential element to the platform that marketers and campaign managers need to be familiar with—LinkedIn Advertising for awareness and demand generation.

Thu Jan 19th 2023
Sarah Gibson
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A SMB Model for Modern Digital Security

In an ever-changing digital landscape, all businesses, from small and medium to enterprise, must consider the digital security of their organization and team members as a part of their ongoing business plan.

Fri Jan 6th 2023
Sarah Gibson
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Maximizing partner consumption of your co‑sell marketing kits

Congratulations, you’ve built a partner marketing kit. Your partners now have content marketing assets like eBooks and infographics, digital display banners, and emails in hopes that they can easily co-sell your joint solutions and services. Or will they?

Wed Dec 14th 2022
Scott Lindars
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Public Relations in an Economic Downturn

Public relations (PR) and earned media-focused strategies have long been known to play a critical role for organizations in every industry and of every size. The ability to connect and build relationships with targeted journalists and execute pinpoint brand storytelling in front of desired audiences is a highly effective means of getting your story across.

Thu Dec 1st 2022
John Sternal
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Vertical marketing—good, better, best

Marketing and sales organizations agree there is tremendous value in taking a vertical-specific approach. Solutions and services solve industry-specific use cases and pain points, marketing campaigns and content speak directly to buying groups, and sellers lead more meaningful conversations with customers.

Mon Nov 14th 2022
Scott Lindars
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PR ROI of 32x?

Going Beyond Brand Awareness to Explain to the C-level Why It’s a Good Investment. Clients are interested in PR and brand awareness because it’s a great way to establish or reinforce subject-matter expertise and credibility within a specific industry. Furthermore, it can also help in boosting leads and even sales.

Thu Aug 18th 2022
John Sternal
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Boca Raton Historical Society & Museum Announces New Brand Identity

Boca Raton Historical Society & Museum Announces New Brand Identity and Prepares for Near-Term Milestones and Events. The Boca Raton Historical Society & Museum, established in 1972, has rebranded the organization with a new visual logo, brand colors, and supporting iconography.

Fri Apr 30th 2021
Sarah Gibson
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Why You Should Optimize for Voice Search

There are endless possibilities for the future of voice technology and one thing is clear – the popularity of voice search is rapidly rising, and it will significantly change the way SEO is done. The way people search for information online has changed significantly in recent years. Voice search is quickly going from a rare act to something that people do all the time.

Mon Dec 7th 2020
Earl Siamundo
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4 Reasons why LinkedIn Advertising is Superior for B2B Social Media Marketing

There is no denying the immense power and reach of social media. Social media advertising drives targeted web traffic, boosts your website’s SEO rankings, and helps you better engage with and understand your audience.

Mon Nov 16th 2020
Earl Siamundo
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Developing Deeper Customer Relationships Through Marketing

Posted on: October 19th, 2020 The word marketing has often been associated with the selling and promotion of products or services. However, there is much more to marketing than strictly generating sales. Those companies who fail to explore the additional benefits of a strong marketing program will miss out on the opportunity to build a […]

Mon Oct 19th 2020
John Sternal
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