When Is Your Brand Outdated?

A lot of organizations are finding it hard to keep up with their brand identity. It isn’t because they don’t have an online presence; rather their brand is out of date. In this day and age, your brand is what defines you and identifies with customers. Your brand sends a message about your company and products to consumers; wouldn’t you want to keep it fresh?

Recently, Cape Cod Community College, 4Cs, has recently been subject to criticisms due to its outdated logo. Though the school itself offers courses online, has excellent programs and is local, many feel that it is somehow out of date. Students believe that the school is being held back by its vintage logo. The question that begs to be asked is, when does a logo become outdated and is time for an update? As Davo Ward, Merit Mile’s Creative Director said, “Once your logo stops doing what it was intended to do, it’s time for an update.” He goes on to say, “There are three things that make up a logo – color, type face, and brand mark.”

Once these are no longer serving their purpose and are reflecting negatively on your organization, it’s time for an update. If current consumers feel that your brand is out of date, chances are they will take their business elsewhere. Organizations must be aware of the impact their brand image has on consumer choice, in addition to overall emotional appeal. Even if you broadcast the benefits of your organization or product, if its overall image is outdated odds are consumers will feel they have little in common. 4Cs should invest into updating their logo into something more functional that incorporates what the school believes in. Staying relevant in the digital age is a top priority for individuals and organizations alike.

Having a positive online presence as well as a compelling brand can help businesses stand out. How can you make sure that your brand is up-to-date in this digitally driven world? By keeping your finger on the marketing pulse, realizing the message and tone you want to convey, communicating with the public and disclosing the benefits of doing business with you. Need a branding refresher? Schedule some time with a Merit Mile branding professional to review your brand’s impact on targeted audiences.