4 Tips for Stellar Product Demo Videos

The Merit Mile team set up for filming B-roll footage for a product demo video

Not all product demo videos are created equally, and unfortunately, many fall short of captivating their audience.

What does it take to ensure your demo videos have the right amount of how-to and context to keep viewers engaged? Consider these four tips to create interesting and useful product demo videos.

  1. Understand your audience

    Ask yourself, “who does this video need to speak to?” Are you trying to influence their buying decision, or do they already own your product and need to learn more about how to use it?

    For example, if your product is a new high-tech gadget, then you know you can dive deeper into feeds and speeds. And if your product is for C-level executives you know you need to get to the point quickly and succinctly.

    You get the gist. Don’t try to reach everyone. Narrow your audience down so you can focus your video on their needs.

  2. Focus on consumer outcomes

    Is your product so unique that there are no competitors? Probably not. But I’ll bet that your product does something better or different than your competitors, and that’s how you’ll set yourself apart from the crowd.

    Even if your product has fifteen new and incredible options, your audience will appreciate not having to sit through a twenty-minute video that walks through them all. Choose the best features that will not only provide the best outcome to your audience but will also look good on camera.

    Just be sure that you don’t dive too deep when it comes to your product specifics. The level of detail should be enough to interest the viewer by explaining the benefits of each feature but shouldn’t require a college degree to understand.

  3. Showcase a real-life scenario

    When someone is using your product, they are most likely trying to solve a problem or make their life easier. If you don’t show how your product works in the real world your viewer may not fully understand how it will impact them.

    If you already have a successful case study, then use it! Now more than ever, consumers desire proof that they are making the right purchase decision and you will have a greater influence on their choices with a real-life use case.

    And if you don’t have a case study yet then consider how your product will be used in an everyday scenario and create a story around it. Storytelling is the best way to communicate with every audience so be creative!

  4. Use B-roll footage of people and scenes

    Changing it up with people and scenery will provide added visual interest and tie together the real-life scenario, which will keep your audience from getting bored. This is especially true if you’re showcasing a product that requires a lot of static screenshots or close-ups.

    Consider using scenes that a viewer would want to see themselves in; i.e. use relevant industry shots that frame the context of the real-life scenario. The goal is to show viewers that they’re not just learning about a product, but that the product itself is useful and will improve their life.

Stock image of a happy woman using a product in the real world.

Let’s take a look at how we put these principles into practice…

When Citrix needed a product video demoing their collaborative productivity tool, Citrix Content Collaboration, they turned to our experts at Merit Mile. Working together, we determined the following to create a successful video:

  • The audience: business decision makers who are concerned about increasing process efficiency in their company
  • The outcomes: We focused on five key features that differentiate Citrix Content Collaboration from competitors and provide immediate business impacts
  • The real-life example: A construction subcontracting scenario is both relevant for the real world and can be extrapolated across other industries to make it relatable
  • The B-roll: By incorporating footage of users on the go, in their offices and in construction sites, the audience is better able to picture themselves using the tool in their own use case

View the final result here.

There are millions of products out there and one size does not fit all when it comes to product demo videos. However, considering these four tips will help ensure you are providing the right level of communication and visuals to keep your audience engaged and informed. Reach out to our team of experts at Merit Mile to get started today!

Still shots from the Merit Mile and Citrix Content Collaboration product demo video